Robot systemRobo2Go MAX

Automate the heaviest workpieces with MAXimum simplicity
The Robo2Go MAX combines heavy workpieces up to 115 kg (253 lb.) with the simplest operation thanks to the dialog-guided Robo2Go APP.
- Various Robo2Go settings are available via CELOS APP. Setting up a workpiece takes less than 5 minutes.
- Robot payload 115 kg (253 lb.) <optional 210 kg (462 lb.)>
- For workpieces from ø 40 to ø 400 mm (ø 1.6 to 15.7 in.)
- Quickly supply material and remove finished workpieces
- Excellent accessibility to the operation panel and tool magazine
Simple automation of even heavy workpieces

- 1Basic module
- Robot
- Electrical cabinet
- Safety fence
- 2Storage module
- Basic version for 2 pallets (with roller shutter)
- Module can be rotated ±90 degrees to change loading direction
- 3Flexible height-adjustable safety fence
- Extendable doors for optimum accessibility to processing machines and automation systems
- Can be installed on both left and right side
- 4Extended functionality
- Space for system expansion :
- Position adjustment area