Researcher profile

  • Researcher profile 2016/04/29 UP
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Systems Engineering Laboratory,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Toyohashi University of Technology

Naoki Uchiyama



Control of industrial machines (High precision, Energy Saving, Vibration suppression)

Research field/keyword

Systems Engineering, Control Engineering, Mechatronics

Societies to which he/she belongs


Brief Biography

Received an associate bachelor’s degree from Numazu National College of Technology in 1988.
Received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Shizuoka University in 1990 and 1992, respectively.
Received a PhD degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1995.
Research associate of Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) in Apr., 1995. Currently, professor of TUT.

Published books and academic papers

N. Uchiyama, et al., Energy Saving in Five-Axis Machine Tools Using Synchronous and Contouring Control and Verification by Machining Experiment, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 62(9), 5608 - 5618, 2015

N. Uchiyama, et al., Analysis of Energy Consumption in Fundamental Motion of Industrial Machines and Experimental Verification, 2015 American Control Conference, 2179-2184, July, 2015. Chicago, IL, USA


* The organization and title of the speaker are those at the time of posting.

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