Researcher profile

  • Researcher profile 2016/04/29 UP
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Kobe University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Laboratory




Intelligent and autonomous machine tools, Cutting force simulation of end-milling operation, CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning) and advanced CAM

Research field/keyword

Machine tools, End-milling operation, Cutting force simulation, CAM, CAPP

Societies to which he/she belongs

The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE),

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME),

The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT),

The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE),

The Japanese Society for Die and Mold Technology (JSDMT),

The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE),

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

Brief Biography

December 1959, Born in Kyoto, Japan
March 1984, Received Master Degree from Kobe University
April 1984, Research associate of Kanazawa University
March 1989, Received Doctor Degree from Kobe University
Since April 1994 to
March 1995,
Visiting researcher at the Manufacturing Automation Laboratory of the University of British Columbia in CANADA
June 1995, Associate Professor of Kanazawa University
October 1996, Associate Professor of Osaka University
May 2003, Professor of Kobe University

Published books and academic papers

・ Keiichi SHIRASE, CAM-CNC integration for innovative intelligent machine tool, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21 Century (LEM21), (2015), A01.

・ Ryuta SATO, Gen TASHIRO, Keiichi SHIRASE, Analysis of the Coupled Vibration Between Feed Drive Systems and Machine Tool Structure, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.9, No.6, (2015), pp.689-697.

・ Yusaku SHINOKI, Mohammad Mi’radj ISNAINI, Ryuta SATO, Keiichi SHIRASE, Machining operation planning system which utilize past machining operation data to generate new NC program, Transactions of the JSME (C), Vol. 81, No. 832, (2015), 15-00280.

* The organization and title of the speaker are those at the time of posting.

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