
  • Peripherals 2024/06/10 UP
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COOL-i coolant analyzer (water-miscible coolant management system)


COOL-i contains sensors that automatically and constantly monitor conditions, for consistent water-miscible coolant management that does not rely on operator skill!
Coolant contamination level information is presented in a numerical form that is easy to read.

COOL-i is a coolant analyzer capable of monitoring coolant status, including concentration, temperature, pH, contamination level, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The built-in pumps automatically sample coolant from the coolant tank, and collected data can be viewed from a PC or on the cloud. COOL-i helps to make coolant management easier for you.

*Please contact our sales team for details.
*Manufacturer: YAMAMOTO METAL TECHNOS Co., Ltd. (Japan)


1. Automate coolant management

COOL-i contains multiple sensors and pumps. Simply insert the IN/OUT piping into the coolant tank to begin automatically measuring coolant concentration, temperature, pH, contamination level, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). It forms an isolated circulation circuit to measure coolant without affecting machine operation.

2. Display contamination level

As coolant becomes contaminated, the boundary becomes blurry when using a concentration meter. COOL-i analyzes the boundary on the scale of the concentration meter, and utilizes a unique method to calculate the contamination level and display it as a number. This allows the concentration and contamination level to be managed consistently, without any reliance on the operator's sense of sight.

3. Centrally manage equipment coolant status

COOL-i has a built-in monitor for displaying measurement results. Data can also be accessed over a network from a PC or portable device. The COOL-i web application used for this purpose can also be used to centrally manage information from multiple COOL-i units.

4. Compact and easy to setup

COOL-i makes it easy to begin constantly monitoring coolant. Simply place it next to the coolant tank. COOL-i is extremely compact (250×190×560 mm) and requires no elaborate layout changes. It is light enough to be easily carried from one machine to another.

Measurement results screen

Web application can be used to monitor measurement results from multiple units, on a single monitor.



System specifications

Dimensions 250 × 190 × 560 mm
Weight Approx. 10 kg
Power 100V AC
USB and LAN ports 1 each
Recording frequency 1, 5, 10 min. (selectable)
Data transmission methods Wired LAN, Wi-Fi (selectable)
Data server Cloud, on-premises (selectable)
Web application features Chronological data display, alert function

Measurement specifications

Measurements*(optional) Concentration (Brix), contamination level, coolant temperature, room temperature, pH,
oxidation-reduction potential (ORP)*
Concentration (Brix) measurement range [resolution] 0 to 30% [0.1%]
Concentration (Brix) measurement precision ±0.5 %
Contamination level measurement range [resolution] 0 to 100 [1]
Liquid/room temperature measurement range [resolution] 5 to 50 ℃ [0.1℃]
Liquid/room temperature measurement precision ±0.1 ℃
pH measurement range [resolution] 3 to 11 [0.1]
pH measurement precision ±0.2

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