
  • 新聞/主題 2021/07/14 UP
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DMG MORI Announced Support for TCFD Recommendations


DMG MORI CO., LTD. and its group company DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (hereinafter collectively referred to as “DMG MORI”) have declared to adhere to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures*1 (hereinafter referred to as TCFD) recommendations.

In line with the TCFD recommendations, DMG MORI will disclose further extensive information in the areas of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics & targets. In this way, the investors and other stakeholders will have clearer insights into DMG MORI’s climate-related risks and opportunities.

DMG MORI is working towards a sustainable and decarbonized society - a society in which people and nature can coexist in harmony, and a society where the resources are properly recycled and not wasted.

In addition to our own CO2 reduction activities, we will also offer environmentally friendly products and help our customers to reduce their carbon footprint. Believing that the machine tool business can significantly contribute to the environmental preservation, DMG MORI will continuously strive for a decarbonized society.

◆Disclosure of climate change-related risks and opportunities in accordance with the recommendations of The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Climate-related disclosure based on TCFD-recommendations

◆For more information about our sustainability initiatives, see the website below.
DMG MORI Sustainability website

*1 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) established the TCFD in 2015 to develop a framework for effective climate-related disclosures. TCFD recommends companies and other organizations to disclose climate-related risks and opportunities.

◆For more information, see the TCFD homepage:


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