
  • 研究者紹介 2016/04/29 UP
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University of California Davis, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Advanced Research for Manufacturing Systems (ARMS) Laboratory

Masakazu Soshi



Machining process analysis and improvement, Machine tool element design and analysis

Research field/keyword

Cutting, Machining, Machine tool technologies

Societies to which he/she belongs

The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, CIRP

Brief Biography

Mar 2009: University of California Davis, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Ph.D.
July 2008 -
Dec 2012:
DMG Mori Co., Ltd., Worked on spindle design and production technology development
Nov 2012-: Assistant Professor, University of California Davis

Published books and academic papers

Masakazu Soshi, Haruki Ishiguro, Kazuo Yamazaki
A study on the development of a multi-purpose spindle system for quality productive machining
2009 CIRP Annals Vol. 58, Issue 1, pp. 327-330

Masakazu Soshi, Yu Shunzhou, Shinji Ishii, Kazuo Yamazaki
Development of a high torque-high power spindle system equipped with a synchronous motor for high performance cutting
2011 CIRP Annals Vol. 60, Issue 1, pp. 399-402

Nicholas Raymond, Stephen Hill, Masakazu Soshi
Characterization of surface polishing with spindle mounted abrasive disk-type filament tool for manufacturing of machine tool sliding guideways
2016 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8283-8

* The organization and title of the speaker are those at the time of posting.

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