Các chu trình tạo hình

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Chu trình công nghệ:Các chu trình tạo hình

Efficient Production Package


Assist Programming for Complex Machining

Efficient Production Package, one of the” Shaping” functions of Technology Cycles, assists programming for high-speed machining of complex workpieces. Various applications are provided as a package to assist programming for complex machining that takes much time to create, which enables high-speed cutting on general-purpose machine tools.

Main Applicable models

  • NLX、NZX、NVX、NHX、NTX series
  • ALX、CMX series
  • DMU 50(FANUC)
  • DMU / DMC monoBLOCK series
  • DMU / DMC(FD)duoBLOCK series

Unique selling points

1.Assisting programming for complex machining

Efficient Production Package is offered as a packaged program. Operators can set required parameters while checking graphics displayed on a HMI, CELOS. Inputting parameters do not require special skills, and the conversational programming allows operators to create programs in a short time.

2.Providing various high-speed canned cycles

Efficient Production Package also provides packaged programs for machining of difficult-to-cut materials such as variable depth control drilling in which the cutting pitch can be adjusted; and roughing steps that is high-speed machining with superior chip disposal thanks to divided chips. A total of 20 canned cycles are available for turning centers, of which 14 are compatible with the conversational programming. As for machining centers, 9 of all 16 canned cycles available can be created in the conversational programming style.

3.Reducing machining time

Efficient Production Package can reduce the total machining time. For example, cutting a square pocket can be finished in approximately six minutes by using the high-speed canned cycle of Efficient Production Package, which achieves 80% reduction of machining time including programming. Efficient Production Package contributes to reducing machining time with various canned cycles such as the Z-feed grooving cycle, trochoid machining cycle, and helical hole machining cycle.


Inputting parameters by the conversational programming method

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