
  • 뉴스/주제 2018/01/18 UP
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What Can Shop Digitalization Do?
Early recovery from machine stop!

  • Digitalization
  • Downtime reduction

One of the biggest problems for production equipment is sudden and unexpected trouble. Many of you must have already taken measures to prevent trouble in advance, but it is not easy to completely eliminate mistakes including human errors from happening. Effective troubleshooting is needed as a solution to address problems. How early can we find trouble causes and recover a machine to minimize downtime? In fact, in the machine tool world, troubleshooting can be carried out via network now.

A word “troubleshooting” may remind you of a PC that has suddenly frozen, although such a problem does not occur as frequently as before. But you may still have trouble with application software that does not properly function at times. When it happens, you pick up a phone and make a call to the system administrator in your company or the software manufacturer, but cannot explicitly explain the situation, and the nagging sense of irritation troubles you until the problem has been solved at the end of the day – this can be a familiar story for quite a few people.

Minimize downtime through digitalization

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