
  • 뉴스/주제 2017/07/20 UP
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Key formula to increasing productivity
Sharing of machining know-how of skilled technicians in company 3【Solutions】

  • Digitalization
  • Personnel training

This page introduces "JOB MANAGER" and "JOB ASSISTANT," two software solutions to manage and utilize "JOB" function.

6.JOB MANAGER for Information Management by Workpiece

JOB MANAGER creates a “JOB,” a set of information related to machining, for each workpiece. More specifically, it registers and manages the information on tools, programs, clamping and so on needed for setup work by correlating them with each other by workpiece.

If some specification details, such as tools to be used, tool overhang and clamping force, are registered, they can be checked during setups. In the conventional method of obtaining machining information from NC programs, detailed information like tool overhang is only known by a person who created the program. With JOB MANAGER, however, such information can be shared with any operator including inexperienced ones, helping them improve their machining skills.

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