고객 사례 예

  • 고객 사례 예 2020/01/31 UP
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Mizuno Machinery Co., Ltd.

5-axis Control Machine x Master of Aluminum Machining Vol. 2
“In-company Monozukuri Contest that Enhanced Technical Prowess

Plant dedicated to 5-axis control machining
President and CEO Fumimasa Mizuno

“I have wanted to use German machines,” says President Fumimasa Mizuno, and this is the simple reason that Mizuno Machinery started to use the DMG MORI’s machining center. The hope originally stemmed from his father and the founder of the company. “My father was working as a lathe operator in the pre-war era. At the plant, the shop owner allowed only the skilled operators to use the German-made lathe. My father has told me the same story over and over since I was a kid,” recalls President Mizuno.
They first introduced a 3-axis control machine and fell in love with the high performance. Then the company started to purchase simultaneous 5-axis machines one after another. “Using DMG MORI machines itself was an effective sales promotion for the company, and the sales actually kept increasing every time we added the machines.

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