- 고객 사례 예 2018/02/01 UP
Acquiring operation knowhow step by step
5-axis performance turned the knowledge into confidence
No one in the company had operated 5-axis machines before. “I learned how to use it from experts outside the company, so I can share the gained knowhow with my employees. As I operated it, the advantages of 5-axis machines became obvious to me. With no fixed spindles, 5-axis machines can single-handedly carry out complex machining that otherwise require a few 3-axis machines. I realized that the high productivity would bring great potential,” says Mr. Naoya Takahashi, President, reflecting the early phase of introduction.

Mr. Naoya Takahashi, President

(Left to right) Mr. Tatsuya Fujimoto, Leader, Machining Group No.2, Production Department; Mr. Naoya Takahashi, President; Mr. Isao Sawada, Leader, Machining Group No.1, Production Department in front of newly-introduced DMU 80 P duoBLOCK (right) and DMU 100 eVo installed last year (left)
Well-balanced machining accuracy and speed with 5-axis machines, suitable for any industry
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