
  • Products 2016/04/29 UP
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Mesin 5-sumbu/Multisumbu:Machining Center 5-sumbu:Portal

DMU 600 P


DMU 600 P

Bridge-type, 5-sided/5-axis Machine with High Accuracy and Dynamic Performance

The DMU portal series models are large, 5-sided/5-axis machines that employ a stable, bridge-type structure to achieve high accuracy and dynamic performance. The model enables 5-sided/5-axis machining with one setup, contributing to improvement of customers' productivity.
The DMU 600 P, the largest in the series, handles workpieces up to 40,000 kg (option). The Z-axis ram with the C-axis mounts the highly flexible and replaceable milling head. The model achieves simultaneous 5-axis machining using the A-axis and the B-axis milling heads.

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