• Products 2023/06/20 UP
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Mesin 5-sumbu/Multisumbu:Machining Center 5-sumbu:NMV



NMV 5000 DCG

Three Original Technologies with Outstanding Performance

The NMV 5000 DCG is a 5-axis, vertical machining center equipped with the DMG MORI original technologies: the DDM (Direct Drive Motor) to achieves zero backlash, the DCG (Driven at the Center of Gravity) to control vibration for higher acceleration, and the ORC (Octagonal Ram Construction) to ensure high-speed, high-precision feed.
The model achieves high-efficiency, high-quality machining of complex-shaped workpieces up to φ700 × 450 mm. With one clamp, any area except the clamped section can be machined.

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