Accredited by SBT (Science Based Targets) | ESG (Environment / Social / Governance) | Sustainability | DMG MORI

Accredited by SBT (Science Based Targets)

In order to make its measures against climate change even more effective, the Company has set targets for carbon footprint reduction to be achieved by 2030. In November 2021, DMG MORI’s targets were accredited by the international environmental body “SBT Initiative”. The Company intends to reduce its greenhouse gas by 46.2% in Scope 1 and 2, and 13.5% in Scope 3, respectively, by 2030 compared to the base year 2019.

News release "DMG MORI obtained approval from SBT (Science Based Targets) initiative "

Accredited by SBT
  • *1 Abbreviation of “Science Based Targets” (the target is consistent with the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5-2°C above pre-industrial levels). The Company’s targets are at reduction rates that take into account the increase in the amount of activity compared to 2019.

Actual carbon footprint results in 2022 and progress against carbon footprint reduction targets accredited by SBT

In order to measure the progress towards its carbon footprint reduction targets accredited by SBT certification, the Company calculates the actual carbon footprint of the entire group each year and obtain limited assurance from a third party (PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH). The carbon footprint results for fiscal 2022 are shown in the chart below, and the reduction progress in total amount was ahead of the carbon footprint reduction targets accredited by SBT.

Carbon footprint trend (compared to carbon footprint reduction targets accredited by SBT)