Human resources development | ESG (Environment / Social / Governance) | Sustainability | DMG MORI

Human resources development

Training of in-house engineers
DMG MORI Academy

DMG MORI Academy was established to enhance the professional skills, management capabilities, and international mindset of employees.
In addition to a total of three locations in Japan (Iga Campus, DMG MORI’s largest production site in the world, Tokyo GHQ, and Nagoya), there are facilities in Chicago, U.S.A., and Stuttgart, Germany, which function as regional hubs to support the continuous improvement of service and application engineers’ skills.
Furthermore, DMG MORI Academy will open new locations in Japan through 2025 with the aim of not only serving as training facilities for customers’ operators, but also as a place for in-house application engineers based in various regions of Japan to practice machining techniques.

Repair and restoration skills training center

In 2021, the Company opened the “Repair and Restoration Skills Training Center” on Iga Campus. This center is the Mecca of approximately 2,000 service engineers worldwide, and is devoted to generate highly-skilled engineers who can handle all-round repairs for all machine models, automation solutions, digital solutions, and so on. Service engineers not only from Japan but also from Asia and other countries around the world receive training here on a regular basis to improve the skills of engineers.
As demand for 5-axis machines, mill-turn centers, and automation systems increases, service engineers are required to have higher skills. The Company intends to increase the number of service engineers who can respond quickly, properly, and safely to the customers’ service requests by utilizing more than 40 units of machines, including 5-axis machines, mill-turn centers and automation systems, which are permanently installed for training purposes.

Machining measurement skills training center

The Company offers machining measurement training programs for both customers and junior DMG MORI engineers. As for the internal training, our junior engineers spend 18 full months at the training center, away from their normal job duties, and learn how to operate mill-turn centers and 5-axis machines. By increasing the number of in-house experts, the Company will be able to meet increasingly complex machining needs in the future as well.